Nomadic Explorers is a 501c3 organization.
“To win at the game of life you must authentically connect with as many people as possible …to touch, move, and inspire them …to connect, love, and empower others.”
Mission – To inspire and empower economically disadvantaged teens to change the(ir) world through global voluntourism.
Vision – A global community where everyone seeks to authentically connect with as many people as possible to touch, move, and inspire them …to connect, love, and empower others.
Purpose – To provide an opportunity for teens in economically disadvantaged families to utilize development workshops, adult/teen mentoring and global voluntourism to:
Philosophy – If you’ve ever witnessed the flower auction in Holland, a walk to the corner bodega flower shop is never the same again. And, if you’ve ever walked with the Maasai to collect water from a well, then your opinion of a long hot shower will be changed forever. Travel, and the texture and perspective that it adds to everyday life, is a luxury of the affluent.
Nomadic Explorers, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, was founded on the principle that every teen, regardless of socio economic status, should have the opportunity to experience the personal growth and paradigm shift that results from first hand travel and exploration of foreign countries. Specifically, Nomadic Explorers focuses on exposing young adults (ages 15-18) in low income and economically disadvantaged communities to mentor relationships, international travel and ‘voluntourism’. We believe that through these enrichment activities they are able to develop leadership skills, increase cultural awareness, and explore what it means to live at their highest potential as a global citizen. Travel broadens their perception of the world and themselves.
The Mentor Relationship – Teens are paired with experienced professionals across all industries that sponsor and/or mentor for the ten-month program –opportunities that they normally would not have access to. The mentors provide one-on-one attention and guidance as teens make decisions about their education and future. Teens aged 15-18 are in a pivotal point in their development and educational careers and are encouraged to ask questions, share ideas, and get objective and expert advice about their life path. Mentors help the teens to reach their maximum potential both as a student and as a local and global citizen. In return, the teens have the chance to inspire—and be inspired by—the mentors.
What does mentoring look like?
The Development Program – The ten-month program coincides with the school year and runs from September – June with the culminating trip taking place in July. The teens:
The International Trip - During the culminating trip, the teens (along with the invited sponsors/mentors) travel to the focus country for one week. While there, they:
The Benefits – The ten-month experience creates a foundation on which the teens develop their leadership skills and explore their educational, career and philanthropic goals in this increasingly connected global community. The memories of the experiences carry with the teens and mentors long after they return home. Travel opens them up to the possibilities of ‘What if?’, and sets off a ripple that will continue long after they return home. The experience makes them want to travel more, it flames their desire to do well in school and continue on to college, it makes them want to participate in other foreign exchange and voluntourism programs, it encourages them to volunteer in their own communities, it promotes the each one teach one philosophy, and most importantly it empowers them to ‘bootstrap’ themselves up off of the margins of society and empower others to do the same.
The Funding - As a 501c3 non-for-profit organization, Nomadic Explorers relies on the support of individuals who believe in the transformative power of world travel. Charitable donations, corporate contributions and the philanthropy of individuals allow us to carry out the vision and fund the participant's journey to change the(ir) world.
For additional information, contact us at or 1.646.598.TEEN